Lobo Builders

See how we took this one of a kind construction to new level with a lively, engaging, professional website.

Brand Messaging
Web Design
How it started

Lobo Builders had completed dozens of stunning professional construction and renovation projects, but their previous website didn't showcase their work or their high level of quality. They needed a digital platform to showcase their top-tier work while engaging new clientele in a higher-paying demographic. The Lobo Builders brand is fun, warm, welcoming, but also professional. Our job was to renovate Lobo Builder's appearance, while staying true to their personality and values.

Our Approach

We started by outlining the specific goals of the site based on Google Analytics. This included number of impressions, bounce rate, and CTA conversions. With these goals in place, we selected a target demographic and defined the messaging of their brand to connect with this audience. Then we ran through several design revisions with the Lobo team to ensure we were maintaining the family-owned feel. To complete the web experience, we set up project pages that would showcase all of Lobo's work, including interactive features, project descriptions, and info about collaborators.